Toronto, March 6, 2019 – The following is a statement by Jim Keon, President of the Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (CGPA), on the Interim report from the Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare:
“The Canadian Generic Pharmaceutical Association (CGPA) and its member companies welcome today’s interim report from the Advisory Council on the Implementation of National Pharmacare.
Making prescription drugs more affordable and accessible is the key value proposition of the generic pharmaceutical industry.
Generic prescription medicines are dispensed to fill nearly 72 percent of all prescriptions in Canada but account for only 20 percent of the $29-billion Canadians spend annually on prescription medicines.
As this data clearly illustrates, the use of generic and biosimilar medicines is key to the affordability of a National Pharmacare program that expands prescription drug coverage for Canadians, no matter what model is implemented.
CGPA and its member companies remain available to work cooperatively with the Advisory Council as it prepares its Final Report.”